Eнергетскa делатност: | 10 - Складиштење и управљање складиштем природног гаса |
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Табеле са економским подацима |
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Табеле са енергетско-техничким подацима |
Редовно извештавање |
BELGRADE, February 3 - On the session held on January 30, 2025, the Agency Council has adopted the Methodology for Setting Natural Gas Tariff in line with the Regulation Establishing a Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas.
The Methodology enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.
BELGRADE, January 30, 2025 –On the session held on January 30, 2025, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a Decision on Approval of Report on Establishment and Implementation of Interim Measures of Transportgas Srbija d.o.o. Novi Sad which regulates the implementation of interim measures for system balancing in line with the Decree on Network Code for Natural Gas Transmission Network Code “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 112 of October 12, 2022.
BELGRADE, Thursday, January 30, 2025.
On the session held on January 30, 2025, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on the approval of Natural Gas Transmission Network Code of Transportgas Srbija d.o.o. Novi Sad which regulates the relations between the transmission system operator and users.
BELGRADE, Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
At the ceremony marking the day of the Elektrodistribucija Srbije, on January 28th, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia was awarded the newly established Plaque of the Elektrodistribucija Srbije for its exceptional contribution to establishing a stable regulatory framework for the development of an efficient and sustainable energy sector.
BELGRADE, Monday, December 30, 2024.
Upon the request of the Transmission System Operator “Elektromreža Srbije”, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted decision on approval of operational limitations for production facilities that are being connecting to the transmission system.