Approval of prices and rationale
Access to the transmission system
- Elektromreža Srbije, JSC
01/10/2021 (Serbian version)
Access to the distribution system
- "Elektrodistribucija Srbije"
01/10/2021 (Serbian version)
- DC „EPS distribucija“
01/02/2021 (Serbian version),
08/11/2019 (Serbian version),
01/03/2016 (Serbian version)
- DC for electricity distribution (before )
01.07.2015. merger of distribution companies was carried out: DC „Elektrovojvodina“, DC „Elektrodistribucija Beograd“, DC „Elektrosrbija“, DC „Jugoistok“ и DC „Centar“ into DC "EPS Snabdevanje".
Supply of households and small customers at regulated prices
- PE “Elektroprivreda Srbije”
01/11/2023 (Serbian version)
Archive: Opinion on prices (2004 Energy Law)