Management and Organisation

The Agency is managed by the Agency Council whose members are elected by the National Assembly, on the basis of public competition, among prominent experts in the energy sector. The Agency Council consists of the president and four members with term of office of five to seven years. The term of office of the Council President is seven years, for two Agency Council Members the term of office is six years and for other two five years. The Agency Council is accountable for its work to the National Assembly.

Bearing in mind the tasks within the competence of the Agency and the status of Serbian energy sector reforms, the Agency is organized into four sectors:

The required degree of cross-sectoral coordination in executing complex cross-functional tasks is achieved within horizontal teams including experts from different sectors.

The following tasks are performed within the Energy and Technical Sector:

1. preparation and analysis of specialized templates and energy-technical data necessary for the development and update of connection pricing methodologies for energy transmission and distribution and development of tariff elements for the calculation of access to and use of system for energy transmission and distribution, determination of tariff elements for the settlement of electricity, natural gas and heat energy produced in CHP plants for tariff customers, as well as for passing and updating tariff systems for: pricing electricity and natural gas for tariff customers, access to and use of system for energy transmission and distribution and of facilities for natural gas storage;

2. analysis of energy and technical data and planned investments of energy entities for identification of the maximum allowed revenue in the process of providing opinion on energy and service prices, monitoring of technical losses in transmission and distribution systems, and initiation of adoption and monitoring of implementation of the mitigation programme;

3. update of tariff systems to stimulate combined power and heat production and usage of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency enhancement, and provision of a more efficient environmental protection, monitoring of sustainable energy development measures;

4. analysis of draft versions of the transmission, transportation and distribution grid codes and natural gas storage code, as well as electricity market code proposed by energy entities, for the purpose of approval by the Agency, monitoring of codes’ implementation, and preparation of proposals for their amendment;

5. monitoring of compliance with technical and other requirements for issuing and revoking of licences;

6. preparation of energy and technical templates for electricity market opening and energy market supervision, and in particular in respect of competition improvement, application of non-discrimination principles, provision of free access to transmission capacities, and transparency improvement;

7. directing activities association with electricity delivery quality improvement and preparation of templates for improvement of the metering system and methods of reporting to the Agency;

8. development of technical and energy databases required for monitoring of regulated energy activities performance and special assistance to energy entities within the rights and duties of the Agency established by the law;

9. participation in expert’s work of regional and other international and local organizations;

10. participation in the preparation of rules and other acts according to authorities of the Agency established by the law, and

11. other tasks from within the scope of work of the Agency in accordance with the Decision of the Agency Council.



The following activities are performed within the Economics and Finance Sector:

1. preparation of economic and financial templates for the development of tariff systems for pricing electricity and natural gas and tariff systems for the access to and use of energy transmission, transportation and distribution systems, as well as natural gas storage,

2. preparation of economic -financial indicators for the assessment of expenditures of energy entities and other economic parameters for the development of pricing methodology for electricity, natural gas, heat energy and oil and oil derivative transport, for the development of criteria, or methodology for calculating energy transmission, transportation and distribution system connection charges, processing of elements for assessing economic conditions that make the content of transmission, distribution system and natural gas storage operation codes,

3. provision, processing and analysis of economic indicators of energy entities’ performance with regard to conducting their energy activity, and necessary investments in construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of energy facilities,

4. analytical assessment of economic indicators based upon which energy entities form energy and service prices for tariff customers, in the procedure of providing the opinion of the Agency on the Act on pricing,

5. improvement of the regulation process and introduction of new methods in the economic-financial domain,

6. development of economic-financial analytical and statistical basis for monitoring of regulated businesses performance,

7. harmonization of economic-financial data with neighbouring countries,

8. collaboration and reporting of regional regulatory bodies with regard to sector performance,

9. establishment and assessment whether energy entities comply with economic and financial conditions in the procedure of issuing and revoking licences,

10. establishment of economic - financial parameters based upon which the Agency shall determine the amount of the license fee,

11. participation in drafting regulations and other acts the Agency shall pass within its competence specified by the Law, and

12. other work from within the scope of work of the Agency according to the Council’s decisions.



The following activities are performed within the Legal Sector:

1. normative-legal tasks on: drafting tariff systems for pricing electricity and natural gas for tariff customers and for the access to and use of the energy transmission, transportation and distribution systems and natural gas storage, drafting methodologies, criteria and other legal acts the Agency shall pass within its competence, drafting decisions and other legal acts for the approval of System Operator Codes, providing opinions on energy prices and other acts the Agency shall pass, participation in preparation of acts with obligatory and legal character concluded during regular Agency business activities (contracts, agreements, reconciliations, etc), as well as monitoring of their implementation, activities associated with monitoring of regulations of direct significance to or of indirect influence on Agency’s work, and provision of expert opinion for reporting to the Council and Agency employees;

2. administrative and other legal duties with regard to: issuing and revoking licences, deciding on appeals against energy entities acts refusing connection to the system, deciding on appeals against System Operator’s Acts refusing access to the energy transmission, transportation and distribution system, or natural gas storage, preparation of legal acts determining conditions for acquiring eligible customer status, duties associated with employment-legal relations and human resources and other legal duties in respect of activities of the Agency and the Agency Council,

3. systematic – legal activities on preparing the analytical basis for defining the legal frame for regulating issues and relations from the Agency’s scope of work, on analysing EU regulations in the field of energy, agreements and other acts of mandatory-legal character concluded on the regional level or between energy entities, on preparing a part of the Agency’s business programme, business report, financial plan and other acts in light of systematic - legal decisions and their legal processing, and other legal activities carried out in the work and business process of the Agency,

4. representation of the Agency in disputes before other state organs,

5. provision of expert assistance to energy entities with regard to rights and duties of the Agency defined by law, and

6. other activities from within the competence of the Agency according to the Council Decision.



Following activities are performed in the Organizational and General Affairs Sector:

1. preparation of rulebooks, decisions, guidelines, and other legal acts regulating the work and business operations of the Agency, providing for implementation of rights and duties of employees defined in employment contracts, implementation of rules with regard to labour policy and health protection at work, preparation and implementation of public procurement procedure, human resources management,

2. public relations,

3. preparation of material to be dealt with at Agency Council meetings and performance of operational and other administrative work for the Agency Council,

4. development, implementation and maintenance of the information system, maintenance and upgrade of software, technical support to all of the system users, development and maintenance of data bases, and preparation and maintenance of the Agency’s web site,

5. public procurement,

6. establishment and keeping record of received deliverables, classification thereof and distribution to organizational units, archiving of closed cases, expedition of adopted acts to applicants, or relevant entities,

7. accounting and financial work for the Agency,

8. conduct of procedures of publishing acts subject to public announcements according to the Statute and Agency Council decision,

9. organization of the courier service,

10. organization, keeping records and safeguard of regulations, court practice, specialized publications and other specialized material and other administrative work,

11. other tasks from the scope of work of Agency according to Council decision.

AERS: TRANSPORTGAS SERBIA Certification as an Independent System Operator

BELGRADE, March 21 -  Acting on the request of the company TRANSPORTGAS SERBIA Novi Sad, based in Novi Sad, on the session held on March 21, 2025, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision granting TRANSPORTGAS SERBIA Novi Sad a certificate as an independent system operator.

AЕRS: Approval of Distribution Network Code Amendments

On the session held on March 6, 2025, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a decision on the approval of amendments to the Distribution Network Code which was drafted by the distribution system operator Elektrodistribucija Srbije d.o.o. Beograd. 

Public Consultation: Draft of Amendments and Addenda to Methodology for Setting Guaranteed Supply Electricity Price

The Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has published public consultation on the Draft of Amendments and Addenda to Methodology for Setting Guaranteed Supply Electricity Price in order to harmonise it with amendments and addenda of the 2024 Energy Law.

AERS Council Adopted Methodology for Setting Natural Gas Transmission Tariff in Line with Regulation Establishing a Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas

BELGRADE, February 3 - On the session held on January 30, 2025, the Agency Council has adopted the Methodology for Setting Natural Gas Tariff in line with the Regulation Establishing a Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas.

The Methodology enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.

Approval of Report on Establishment and Implementation of Interim Measures of Transportgas Srbija d.o.o. Novi Sad

BELGRADE, January 30, 2025On the session held on January 30, 2025, the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted a Decision on Approval of Report on Establishment and Implementation of Interim Measures of Transportgas Srbija d.o.o. Novi Sad which regulates the implementation of interim measures for system balancing in line with the Decree on Network Code for Natural Gas Transmission Network Code “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 112 of October 12, 2022.  

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